The Importance of Family
("I try to be guarded, I'm an open book instead"- Lifehouse)

After I read Tiffany's blog, I did a little blog surfing and spend some time looking at a lady's blog who had a child die. Even though I don't have children it got me thinking about the importance of family and how grateful I am for mine. I don't have the best relationship with all of them, but no matter what happens I am, and will always be thankful for every memory, every minute, every laugh, and every moment we get to spend together. After that realization I got in my car & went to Highland to spend time with Tiffany, Brooklyn, Ellie, & Sadie. *Thanks Tiff for making my blog look like it fits into this crazy blogging world, and thank you for letting me spend time with you and your wonderful children.

My dad: Crazy, Stubborn, Driven, Sarcastic....I feel as though I'm describing myself. Due to the large amount of traveling he did when I was growing up I feel it might have put a strain on the relationship we could of had. It is rocky at times, but I do realize what he has given me, what he continues to give me, and what he will give me in the future. He has worked hard for what he has and made sure all of his children were always well taken care of and happy. I am very thankful for his loving spirit, I don't say it or show it often but I truly am grateful.

My mom: She is also crazy, illogical, stubborn, crafty, creative, loving, and willing to do whatever it takes to make her kids happy. She and I butt heads a lot, partly because I live at home, and partly because we are similar. She crys at everything. She is always emotional (it seems) but it is due to her large heart and caring nature. She has always been there when I needed her... school projects, picking up something, sewing something...What would we do without our mothers?

Brother #1 Jason: Growing up we never talked or really got along. I was the younger sister who had a crush on all of his friends and he was the older brother who beat up on me and told me to go away. When he got home off of his mission we were closer and he would come and ask my advice, I thought life couldn't get any better. No too long after that he found the love of his life and our relationship changed (which I realize it had to). We still get along and enjoy each others company. I miss him living down the street, but he has started a new family and I hope we will always remain close.

Sister-in-law #1 Holly: If you asked me when I was little what I wanted it was always a sister, as I grew I realize how great I had it with just the boys. It is definitely an adjustment adding another girl to the family. Even though we still are working on our relationship, I am glad Holly is there to take care of my niece and make my brother happy. She is a great mother and wife. She is thoughtful, creative, talented, and possesses many other wonderful qualities. 1 down 2 more to add too the family!

Niece #1 Emri: Teeney Baby as Justin calls her. Such a sweet, precious little girl. She is a funny, smart, and cute little girl with her whole life ahead of her. I don't see her much but when I do it is always memorable. She is a little diva sometimes and knows she can get what she wants from grandma, grandpa, uncle Justin, or aunt panties (long story). It is good to have the innocence of a little child in our family to remind us where we all came from and how carefree life once was.

Brother #2 Justin: Oh Justin, what can I say. He and I RARELY get along, we are way to similar. As we have gotten older we seem to become slightly closer, but there are those days when he pushes my buttons on purpose. He is a great guy though, with the biggest heart out of us all. He is so thoughful and is always putting others before himself. He wants the family to be happy and together. He does the sweetest things at the most random times. He went to the store and bought the yogurt and cereal I like because he thought I was coming to the cabin. It seems like a small gesture but to me I feel loved even with the smallest acts. He is a great example to me.

Brother #3 Josh: My little Joshie, what would I do without him. He is the brother who I feels cares for me the most. At this point he always has me in his prayers, on his mind, and in his heart. I can't even begin to express the joy I feel when I read his emails. I can't wait for him to come home. We had so much fun before he left and it felt like my heart was being ripped out the day I watched him walk away. (I don't have the best memories of the MTC) I am so proud of him and his decision, but the day I see him will be great! He has a big heart, a great personality, is always enjoying life and matter what!

I am so lucky to have (what I call) a freakishly close family. I consider my aunts, uncles, and cousins part of my immediate family. Tiffany, Shannon, and Jessica.... older (but not always wiser) sisters. Logan, Ryan, Robert, Taylor, Jordan, Nathan.... my brothers from another mother. (All of the little kids are just like little siblings and I love them too!) Dave, Tally, and Amber are even great additions to our family, too bad they didn't know what they were getting into before it was too late! Everyday I think of what life would be like without these relationships, it is not something I ever want to live without. I would be lost in the world without them. Even though I pretty much NEVER tell them, I really do love ever member of my family (Lang and Frogley) and am thankful for them everyday. No matter what they do, how they act, what decisions they make, they are my family and I am very protective of them because I love them so much. My grandma lang does a wonderful job keeping us close, I am so grateful for her efforts and the hard work she puts forth to make sure we are always together and happy...........All because two people fell in love!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

What a sweet post... so unlike you :) J/K I know you have that side of you, you just don't show it that often. And now it's out for the world to see! I love you too and am so grateful for our friendship. As a wise person once said, "cousins make the best friends!"