A well needed trip down memory lane...
Part 1
After my little spring cleaning escapade, I decided to take my mom and aunt Sara on a trip down memory lane. It was so much fun, I thought you would enjoy it too. Warning: Lots of reading,but well worth it if you ask me.

These are my mini Pound Puppies. I LOVED these things. I would take them to school and put them in my desk and play with them all day long. As you can see I have quite the collection, there are actually a few missing from this. Sorry little puppies it does not mean I don't love you. The ones to the right are the "wanna be" mini pound puppies, they just couldn't quite make the grade.

#1 The troll: Justin gave this to me for Christmas one year. We were at Jobbers Odd Lot (back in the good old days before 7-11 took over the corner) buying each others gifts. I guess I was into trolls back then (don't ask, I only acquired two so I made it out of that time period better off then a lot of others) so being the sweet, thoughtful brother he is, Justin decided to get this for me. Well I walked around the corner and saw him picking it out and didn't want to ruin the surprise so I ran and he didn't see me. I was so excited for my troll and on Christmas morning I acted really surprised. Don't ever tell him, I wouldn't want to break his little heart.

#2 Kitchen Accessories: HELLO only the best toy ever made! I love my kitchen, I had everything to go with it too, the blender, bowls, measuring cups, frosting, and my all time favorite the syrup (it disappeared when you poured it) Too bad my mom gave it away to my little cousins WITHOUT my permission. She kept a few things as you can see (the mixing stand,but where is the mixer I ask?) and my heart broke when she said she had given away my syrup pour thingy. The kitchens these days are more high tech, but not as fun. The have all the sounds, and stuff so you don't have to use your imagination or make the sound yourself (one of the best parts)

#3 Cow and dog: These 2 little joys are the two stuffed animals that both Josh and I have and we would play with them together, I miss those bonding days!

#4 My glow in the dark bunny: The little pink bunny was awesome! You leave it in the light all day and at night the stars on it would glow and keep you feeling safe (if your were afraid of the dark, which to tell you the truth I don't think I was)

#1 My Cabbage Patch Baby: The only Cabbage Patch I ever owned was this sweet little baby, The bib held the bottle and it had one of those outfits where you cinch the kids legs up in it. It also had a little tuft of brown hair that I always covered up with the bonnet because I thought it looked ugly. Oh he memories.

#2 LIZARDS: I don't like creepy crawlers in real life but these things were filled with sand and they were so much fun to play with. Remember when your mom would drop you off at the mall and you would collect call your friends mom to come and pick you up when you were done. Well I bought these during one of those outings. The big lizard was the biggest purchase I made when I was little. It was like $45 or something like that (I really don't know where I got my money from or why I thought it was ok to spend that much on something this dumb, I don't think I would spend that much now, lesson learned) I bought it at Natural Wonders....The coolest store in the mall. I would always spend a huge chunk of my time playing around in Natural Wonders...what ever happened to that store?

#3 Bean Bag frog: Brittany had 3 or 4 of these and I was a little jealous, I finally got one and we played with them for hour. Brittany made clothes for hers, I let mine run wild and free.

#4: Bongo: Sara said this was Grandma Frogley's and she must have given it too me, either way it does thumbs up and you stick the thumb in its mouth.

Well that was part one, stay tuned it gets a lot better. I love days like this when you just laugh and think of how fun life was a few short years ago. My question to you is where did all the good toys go? and the good cartoons on Saturday morning? What has life come to these days, my poor kids will have high tech toys and learning cartoons. We all turned out okay, give me back simplicity, imagination, and creativity. Part 2 will come later, be sure to scroll down and check out the other posts, there have been a few good ones this week, don't ask me where I found the time.

Katherine Heigl Leaving 'Grey's Anatomy'?

May 8, 2008 9:29 a.m. EST

The 29-year-old actress - who has found success in romantic comedies 'Knocked Up' and '27 Dresses' - is said to be keen to end her contract with the medical drama to focus entirely on movies.

A source close to the actress said: "She's working really long hours and is ready to move on. She's a smart one. "

"She saw what can happen with someone like Jennifer Aniston, who was crazy successful on TV, but can't seem to carry a film, and she tested the waters early."

However, Katherine - who made headlines when negotiations for her contract renewal on the show were made public 15 months ago - may be locked into her contract and will have to continue starring as Dr. Isobel Stevens.

The source added to Us Weekly magazine: "I don't think she'll be able to get out of it."

Katherine can next be seen in romantic comedy 'The Ugly Truth' with Gerard Butler. Since starring as Rachel Green in 'Friends', Jennifer has appeared in a host of films, including 'The Break-Up' and 'Bruce Almighty', but has failed to shake off her TV character.

It's not ending yet!
Thats right folks after 3 1/2 months of school vacation, I'm headed back! I'm kind of excited. I will be taking a few classes to spice up my PA application (I really want to get in this year) This summer is going to be EXTREMELY busy (I'm not sure if it is in a good way or a bad one.) 
I will be.... 
  • Working Full time BOO!
  • Not enjoying the sun
  • Filling out applications (13 of them)
  • Shadowing a PA
  • Going to school 3 nights a week
  • Studying (lets be honest, this might not happen)
  • Looking at new jobs
  • Oh yeah and trying to have a social life (haha we'll see)
When I list it out is does not sound too bad, but since work takes up most of my day, there is not much time for the other things.
For those who are wondering (anyone?).... come October, November, December, and January (depending on when the application is due) I will be applying to schools in the following states, and paying way too much money to do it:
  • 1 in California 
  • 1 in Washington D.C
  • 1 in Washington (the state)
  • 2 in Florida
  • 1 in Maine
  • 1 in Montana
  • 1 in Oregon
  • 1 in Utah
  • 5 in New York
What are my odds of actually moving out of Utah this time? I would say pretty good. No matter where (if) I get accepted, I will be moving, no turing it down this time. I can't wait, I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope I get in this year. My odds still aren't great, but I'm another year older (and hopefully a little wiser too) and I'm doing things to enhance the good old resume. This is all I want to do, I don't know if I can take another rejection. I'm ready to move out, begin my career, go back to school full time, work with kids, help people, acquire a LARGE debt, complete another BIG life long goal, and feel successful... PRAY FOR ME. Maybe if I get the 2 of you who read this to pray for the next few months it'll give me the extra umph I need. Where in the world will I end up?

I just got done doing a little spring cleaning in my room. I sure do sleep better at night knowing my room is clean, organized, and beautiful.

My Diploma finally has a home....
After receiving my diploma sometime in January it finally has a place outside of the envelope it came in. I walked at the College of Health Commencement Ceremony and got a little red diploma holder! Now my diploma can be displayed proudly in my room, until it finds its way into a frame and onto my wall. Thanks mom, dad, Justin, Megan, Mike, Sara, Grandma, and Grandpa for sitting through the long ceremony.
(this is my friend Christie Harris)