so as some of you may know I have naturally curly hair...and A LOT of it. I have finally figured out how to make my hair look like I want it to when it is curly. It is SUPER easy and takes NO time at all. So I have been wearing it that way for almost 2 weeks.Sometimes it is up, sometimes it is down, most of the time it is big and out of control.
here are a few comments I have gotten during this curly adventure:
"Whoa... I wish I could grow hairs like you!" -Dr. Longo
"It is big enough, stop." -Jon
"You look like a lion" - Ethan (nephew)
" Is that your real hair? It looks like one of those hair thingies. Are you sure its real? It is so perfectly placed."- Nurse Michelle A.
Not only have I gotten these comments but I have also had people come up and poke my hair (when it is in a curly messy bun) and ask if it is real. This has happened numerous times.
I don't think my hair looks fake, its not shiny enough to be fake.
So fyi...My hair is real.
just thought you should know.

the things I need.
a sewing machine.
lots and lots of fabric.
a crafty side.
a few trips to the craft store.
a person to make stuff for.
I have been obsessed with looking at craft/sewing blogs lately and have a MASSIVE amount of ideas floating around in my head, from skirts to onsies to headbands to shirts to a few decorative items to pillowcases... you name... I have an idea for it. I think my mom and I are going to try one of them out today. (this is what happens when Jon goes to work... the craft MONSTER comes out)
We will see if I remember anything from my 9th grade (or was it 7th grade) sewing class with Mrs. Froah (was that her name?) I will admit I used to ROCK at sewing. I made a pretty awesome pillowcase and a bunny (with 1/2 of its clothes).
Let the fun begin.

In the beginning.
There was only one. Then I added another.
It is time...
for Jon and I.....
(or mainly me)
to change a few things.
On November 1, 2010
we will be...
Changing our blog address
(bet you thought I was announcing a baby didn't you)
It isn't just about me, so the name must change.
Posting will begin on 11.1.10.

J + A

The early years

This is Jon and I.

Pre "I love yous"

Pre engagement

Pre pretty much everything.

This is how our love began (and continues) to grow.

One year older....
Today is my mom's birthday.
She works so hard.
She is creative.
She was the mastermind behind my whole wedding.
She has her funny moments.
She is always helpful.
She is the greatest.
Happy Birthday Mom!

One DEVOTED utah fan. I don't think these pics need words... I LOVE utah games!

We like it DIRRRRTY.
Too much information?
Nope. Look how fun it looks!
Team HOGwarts pre race
Adding tats for a rough look
post race, pre shower
we should be on an Orbitz commerical.
Not sure how my headband stayed clean...
since Jon repeatedly pushed me down and threw mud at me.
Jon and I are ready to do it again next year!
I do have to give a shout out to Jon and his creativity
The back of his shirt read:
In the world of opposites:
Such a creative little guy.
Tune in tomorrow morning for a fantastic post involving the UTAH game.

Things I will be enjoying this weekend...
The Dirty Dash FOOTBALL!!!
and my personal favorite...
a whole lotta time with Jon!

If I could do it again...

I would try on this dress.

I don't know if I would change the dress I wore.

I would just try on this "ruffly" delight.

a year (ish) ago I wrote this post. Funny how things change.
Dear October 2010-
A year ago your friend brought me everything I could ever ask for and changed my life. What are you going to do to top that? Good luck! I look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Your Friend, A.H.

I am grateful I get to wake up and see this face...
I try to be grateful this man offered me a job 2 1/2 years ago,
and still lets me have it.... (This is Dr. Longo, he is HILARIOUS)
I am grateful I get to work with fun people...
I am grateful for an awesome support system filled with
family and friends... (ESPECIALLY Jon and Bridget).
I am grateful for my beliefs
I am grateful for Jon and his ability to make me laugh
(even after a bad day at work)
I am grateful for his hugs, kisses, and love...I am grateful for my sombrero (just kidding) I am grateful for many things.
I am trying my best
(especially on those days when its hard)
to remember all the MANY blessings I have.

Craftastic Weekend
Here are the events that occured...
When you grow a lot of facial hair in a small amount of time you tend to want to mix things up.
When your husband works all weekend you tend to get creative.and my personal favorite...When Katie wants to play with her new toy we tend to just build it around her.
When Katie is done, Emri is never too far behind stealing her toys.

I am going to Chicago for a whole day. I hate work trips sometimes.

It wouldn't be so hard to leave if I didn't....
Love you so much.

Celebrate good times....
I want to throw a big party.
Get all dressed up.
Spend time with friends.
Have fun...
Do I really need a reason?
I want somebody to light off fireworks.
I want to go to the beach.
I want to wander around a new country.
I want to be at home with Jon.

{photos by Holly}
As I am sure you are aware, I am a huge fan of this man.
I love him.
I love spending time with him.
I love talking about our future with him.
I love cuddling with him.
I love seeing his face every morning.
I just couldn't and wouldn't ask for anything better.
The dating days were great.
The engaged days were... interesting.
The marriage days are THE BEST.

We Made It! Thanks to Lance and Rachel for the tickets.
We will be enjoying EVERY game! What a great date!

So as you can probably tell,
I like to look at random blogs
and find random things.
I don't know why but I think these are cool pictures or cute sayings.
Hopefully you enjoy them as mush as I do.
I usually find things here and here
{ I have and still do lose many hours just so I can see Jon}
{Ah, how cheesy}{who doesn't love to dance in the rain...} {I just think this picture is AWESOME! I want to try it next summer}

Yep, I know.
Marriage has made me cheesy.
I am learning to deal with it.

Someday, someone will walk into your life
and make you realize
why it never worked with anyone else.

One of the many reasons....

I love Jon for so many reasons.

He sent me an email at work with the link to a video he made for me.

It was so cute and thoughtful.

This was the song playing with pictures from the beginning to now.

The Wonderful World
and this is how our weekend went...
Friday night was spent
wondering why my car was over heating,
at The Mack's house having a BBQ and playing loaded questions.
Saturday was filled with...
going to get my car fixed
Babies R' Us
a baby shower for Danielle
(just trying to show off my belly too)
a TCU game
a night with the hubby
a trip to Winco
counting all of Jon's silver change
(we didn't want to face the pennies)
and trying to make cake ball cones as cute as theseall I ended up doing was making a mess and eating too much
Sunday was filled with
Maren's baby blessing
Watching G-pa Jensen down 3 of my cones
A short road trip with Stacy, Chad, and the Jensen Grandparents
a successful new recipe (from scratch)
cuddling on the couch with my boy
Couples Retreat
Monday was...
an early trip to Hogle Zoo with the Hansen/Bandley Clan
watching Eoughan hang all over Jon
Watching Jon with the boys
Jon's minor freak out while in the reptile exhibit
(ha ha thanks Eoughan)
lawn mowing
a Lang family BBQ
the end of the Boise State game.
Like I have said MANY times before... Every weekend should be a 3 day weekend!