The Wonderful World
and this is how our weekend went...
Friday night was spent
wondering why my car was over heating,
at The Mack's house having a BBQ and playing loaded questions.
Saturday was filled with...
going to get my car fixed
Babies R' Us
a baby shower for Danielle
(just trying to show off my belly too)
a TCU game
a night with the hubby
a trip to Winco
counting all of Jon's silver change
(we didn't want to face the pennies)
and trying to make cake ball cones as cute as theseall I ended up doing was making a mess and eating too much
Sunday was filled with
Maren's baby blessing
Watching G-pa Jensen down 3 of my cones
A short road trip with Stacy, Chad, and the Jensen Grandparents
a successful new recipe (from scratch)
cuddling on the couch with my boy
Couples Retreat
Monday was...
an early trip to Hogle Zoo with the Hansen/Bandley Clan
watching Eoughan hang all over Jon
Watching Jon with the boys
Jon's minor freak out while in the reptile exhibit
(ha ha thanks Eoughan)
lawn mowing
a Lang family BBQ
the end of the Boise State game.
Like I have said MANY times before... Every weekend should be a 3 day weekend!

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