so as some of you may know I have naturally curly hair...and A LOT of it. I have finally figured out how to make my hair look like I want it to when it is curly. It is SUPER easy and takes NO time at all. So I have been wearing it that way for almost 2 weeks.Sometimes it is up, sometimes it is down, most of the time it is big and out of control.
here are a few comments I have gotten during this curly adventure:
"Whoa... I wish I could grow hairs like you!" -Dr. Longo
"It is big enough, stop." -Jon
"You look like a lion" - Ethan (nephew)
" Is that your real hair? It looks like one of those hair thingies. Are you sure its real? It is so perfectly placed."- Nurse Michelle A.
Not only have I gotten these comments but I have also had people come up and poke my hair (when it is in a curly messy bun) and ask if it is real. This has happened numerous times.
I don't think my hair looks fake, its not shiny enough to be fake.
So fyi...My hair is real.
just thought you should know.


Sister Beta said...

I want a picture of the real thing! What are you doing/using? As you know, I too have uncontrollable curly hair and must daily tame The Beast.

Kim and Layne said...

Ermmm...what products do you use? My hair is also naturally curly, and very unruly. I haven't figured out what to use to tame my hair they way I would like it to be I usually opt to straighten it.

Kim and Layne said...

Anyway, let me know!