It's not ending yet!
Thats right folks after 3 1/2 months of school vacation, I'm headed back! I'm kind of excited. I will be taking a few classes to spice up my PA application (I really want to get in this year) This summer is going to be EXTREMELY busy (I'm not sure if it is in a good way or a bad one.) 
I will be.... 
  • Working Full time BOO!
  • Not enjoying the sun
  • Filling out applications (13 of them)
  • Shadowing a PA
  • Going to school 3 nights a week
  • Studying (lets be honest, this might not happen)
  • Looking at new jobs
  • Oh yeah and trying to have a social life (haha we'll see)
When I list it out is does not sound too bad, but since work takes up most of my day, there is not much time for the other things.
For those who are wondering (anyone?).... come October, November, December, and January (depending on when the application is due) I will be applying to schools in the following states, and paying way too much money to do it:
  • 1 in California 
  • 1 in Washington D.C
  • 1 in Washington (the state)
  • 2 in Florida
  • 1 in Maine
  • 1 in Montana
  • 1 in Oregon
  • 1 in Utah
  • 5 in New York
What are my odds of actually moving out of Utah this time? I would say pretty good. No matter where (if) I get accepted, I will be moving, no turing it down this time. I can't wait, I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope I get in this year. My odds still aren't great, but I'm another year older (and hopefully a little wiser too) and I'm doing things to enhance the good old resume. This is all I want to do, I don't know if I can take another rejection. I'm ready to move out, begin my career, go back to school full time, work with kids, help people, acquire a LARGE debt, complete another BIG life long goal, and feel successful... PRAY FOR ME. Maybe if I get the 2 of you who read this to pray for the next few months it'll give me the extra umph I need. Where in the world will I end up?


Amber said...

Good luck Aubs! Looks like we are trading off, instead of me working 40 hours a week while going to school, I will just be working 40 hours a week! Yeah for me. Sorry not trying to rub it in!

Sister Beta said...

I don't see Texas on that list. Psh!

jessicalangprice said...

There's at least three now...and I want you to know both Tally and I are reading your blog at the same time on different that love or what!? I'm excited for you - not everybody actually goes for their dreams.