Since I am hanging out in this MASSIVE hotel suite all alone with stitches in my leg (no swimming) I decided I would entertain the rest of you.
8 things I'm looking forward to:
  1. getting into and completing PA school (hopefully the first part happen this year)
  2. boating
  3. the future
  4. more adventures
  5. traveling the world
  6. the weekend
  7. learning spanish
  8. life (i like it and can't wait to see what the rest of it brings!)
8 things I did yesterday:
  1. woke up
  2. went to work
  3. made cookies
  4. played pool
  5. watched sportscenter
  6. decided i needed to go to the doctor to get a random red bump on my leg checked out (spider bit gone wrong? I don't know i had a skin biopsy and am waiting to hear...)
  7. cuddled
  8. went to bed (technically that was this morning)
8 things I wish I could do:
  1. be done with PA school
  2. travel the world doing humanitarian work (and have my VIDA and CCS buds there with me)
  3. sleep
  4. not go to work
  5. be a kid whenever i want
  6. dance in the peruvian rain
  7. sing
  8. rock it at rockband
8 shows I watch:
  1. Greys Anatomy
  2. HOUSE!!
  3. Sports Center (thanks to Jon)
  4. Gossip Girl
  5. Jon and Kate plus 8
  6. whatever is on CNN
  7. the news
  8. random shows, right now not much of anything because I am spending my time doing other things.
8 people to tag:
the eight or so people who read this blog who have some time on their hands and want to do a little soul searching.
Not very entertaining but hey I'm crippled right now, and on a business trip... lay off.


Amber said...

Umm...who did you cuddle with?

jessicalangprice said...

That's what I want to know too! And what the heck was on your leg? Enjoy the hotel suite...