By 30, you should have ...
1. One old boyfriend you can imagine going back to and one who reminds you of how far you’ve come. I have one that reminds me of how far I have come. (a LONG way) The one I can imagine going back to is the one I married.
2. A decent piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in your family. my bed. I love my bed
3. Something perfect to wear if the employer or man of your dreams wants to see you in an hour. I have brain washed the man of my dreams... he loves me in yoga pants and a ponytail
4. A purse, a suitcase, and an umbrella you’re not ashamed to be seen carrying. I am not ashamed of my TJ Maxx purchases- name brand or not, stylish or not.
5. A youth you’re content to move beyond. check
6. A past juicy enough that you’re looking forward to retelling it in your old age. juicy...? probably not. but I do have some interesting stories.
7. The realization that you are actually going to have an old age -- and some money set aside to help fund it. my young women remind me often that I am old. I am ok with it. The $$ thing will have a few bumps but we will get there.
8. An email address, a voice mailbox, and a bank account -- all of which nobody has access to but you. I have those. Jon has access to all and I feel fine about it.
9. A résumé that is not even the slightest bit padded. done
10. One friend who always makes you laugh and one who lets you cry. I have a mom, a husband, and an awesome friend that allow me to do both.
11. A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra. I have Jon for the first 2 and the third.... well we will keep that a secret
12. Something ridiculously expensive that you bought for yourself, just because you deserve it. I don't need expensive things. I spent my money traveling and those memories are priceless
13. The belief that you deserve it.
14. A skin-care regimen, an exercise routine, and a plan for dealing with those few other facets of life that don’t get better after 30.
I will work on these
15. A solid start on a satisfying career, a satisfying relationship, and all those other facets of life that do get better. done.
By 30, you should know ...
1. How to fall in love without losing yourself. got it
2. How you feel about having kids. I feel FANTASTIC about it
3. How to quit a job, break up with a man, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship. scary but done, done and done.
4. When to try harder and when to walk away. I will always try harder until I feel I have nothing left, then I will consider walking away
5. How to kiss in a way that communicates perfectly what you would and wouldn’t like to happen next. ha ha ha
6. The names of the secretary of state, your great-grandmothers, and the best tailor in town. working on it
7. How to live alone, even if you don’t like to. I hope I never have to again
8. Where to go -- be it your best friend’s kitchen table or a yoga mat -- when your soul needs soothing. I have learned this... my soul feels best when I am hanging out (in Mammoth) with my entire family. I never felt better and we all NEED to go back!
9. That you can’t change the length of your legs, the width of your hips, or the nature of your parents. dan.
10. That your childhood may not have been perfect, but it’s over. it was pretty dang good
11. What you would and wouldn’t do for money or love. I would do anything to keep the love I have
12. That nobody gets away with smoking, drinking, doing drugs, or not flossing for very long. I wouldn't even try to get away with it
13. Who you can trust, who you can’t, and why you shouldn’t take it personally.
14. Not to apologize for something that isn’t your fault. I should work on this
15. Why they say life begins at 30 I can only imagine
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