San Franny Trip
I didn't and never will imagine going on a business trip
Oh reality. You suck sometimes.
I am big time.
I had a driver
and a towncar
with tinted windows.
He was Ukrainian.
We chatted about Ukraine.
He might have been part of the mafia.
I am glad to be alive.
I was also booked in several places under 2 different names
oh marriage....
The red dot meant I was an EXPERT
you bet I proved that dot right.
I over achieved actually.
I usually look forward to the lovely dinner after a long day of work and travel
it was disappointing.
So I went to bed.
Couldn't really sleep
so I got up, early.
I could stayed in my nice comfy bed.
I got up and realized I only used 1/2 of the bed.
I needed my other 1/2 to use that other 1/2.
Thank goodness the lunch and desserts didn't disappoint.
a swan.... really?
I didn't get that one, it seemed too weird.
They did have a LARGE Ho ho... yummy!!!
as well as some other lovelies.
Plane delayed.
Talked to some ARMY peeps returning from Cambodia.
I want to travel.
Finally saw Jon.
Stopped for dinner at 10:30
drifted off to sleep.....

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