don't judge.
I let my mom and aunt dye my hair....
my mom had too much fun...
Mount crumpet. According to the mother.
Jon stayed up and built our crib last night because he was so excited.
I put the bears in it and sent the picture to my dad.
He bought the polka dot one for me 8 years ago and the pink one for baby H.
They are ready for her to come play.
I woke up for work not expecting to laugh so hard.
I found this ring in the bathroom and one of the nurses tried to convince me it was his.
He is "The golden fox" and fights crime at night with that ring.
He may regret saying that after what we made him do.. Yeah, we made him a crime fighting outfit out of hospital supplies.
These people are the reason I go to work.
They are SO much fun!

1 comment:

Sara said...

And all of this before noon on a Thursday...