Combining Families...
The "GLAMOUROUS" version.
So being in a relationship means doing things you have NEVER done before.
Here is what my first OFFICIAL Hansen family adventure consisted of...
Waking up early on a saturday.
Driving to Lehi.
Being a little chilly.
Raking and pitch-forking grass.
Burying kids in the grass pile.
Four wheeling around.
Herding cows.
Sorting mama cows from baby cows.
Vaccinating the cows.
Branding cows.
Dehorning cows.
First you round them up and secure them so they can't kill you.
You have to "excite" the cow...
(don't worry my husband was there and approved)
Then you have to search around for the certain parts...
Do some cuts.
(watch out they are slippery)
Throw to the dog.
Search again.
and BAM its now a girl... Just kidding.
This is REAL excitement on my face.
I was actually surprised at how fun this was. I only castrated one cow and vaccinated the rest. The Hansens have been doing this for 20 years, and it looks like they are not stopping now.
fun times... looking forward to next year!


Kellie said...

That is disgusting..haha

Teri said...

What the heck!!!??? I cannot believe you did that. You are supposed to be a spoiled city girl. Wow! That is true love. : ) Aunt T

Sister Beta said...

OH MY GOD! That's insane!!!

Danielle said...

Gross. I can't believe you did that. and then posted pictures of the removed testicle on the internet.
The first (and only) time I went out to the ranch Tom grew up on when they were branding and dehorning cows, I couldn't even watch, let alone participate!

jessicalangprice said...

Oh my gosh that is so sick...and disgusting...and wrong...I think I want to throw up. I went to a family reunion in Arkansas and that's what all my Arkansas cousins were talking about. I thought they were a bunch of hicks. Now I think you are one too. ;)