8 years. Same car.
So I have been driving my little honda for 8 years. Yesterday I was waiting for a patient to show and I decided to clean my car (for our road trip this weekend!) There was some good stuff stashed in there.... let me share. Justin gave this to me one christmas, there is a button you push and it plays music.
Not sure why he gave it to me but it is still funny. I found my old phone (I LOVED this thing) and found some good text from when Jon and I were dating. I shared these with Jon and he just smiled because he thinks he is funny all the time.How cute. I wonder why I don't get text this cute anymore
(just kidding)
Senior Year baby! You bet I took it easy. Daycare, crafts, ceramics, aide... (I remember I went and got my hair done during this period one time and the teacher didn't care. I also used to get in her desk drawer and throw candy out to the people I liked, good times) Justin made this gum wrapper flower during curch who knows how long ago. Ever since that day it has stayed right where you see it. my wallet sized Senior pics. Apparently I didn't feel the need to give these to anybody because I have a lot of them.
I know, I am pretty classy, and the blonde hair... WHAT THE?
I was tan, oh how I miss those days.
It is possible I showed these to Bridget and we had a good laugh. I decided I needed to start using these so I made a post it comment bubble and put it on her computer screen before she got into work today.
oh how fast 8 years goes,
please don't judge me for the randomness of my car.

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