The big kids.
I loved hanging out with Katie-babe and E, watching their faces, hearing them laugh, watching them become friends with JH... BUT... I had a blast hanging out with my parents and siblings.
(this picture was taken when the rest of the group when to the Haunted Mansion, JH and I took the girls on Its a Small World- E kept asking me to take pictures of her and JH so she could put them in her locket. Katie-babe kept cuddling up to him and saying "oh wow" everytime we entered a new room)
J and Holly took the kids back one night and I got to hang out with 2 of my brothers, my parents, and my husband. We went on rollercoasters, googled, rocked out to Aerosmith, made fun of my mom's comments and laughed. The next night the parental units took the kiddos back and the siblings got to hang out. We probably had a little too much fun. Standing in line with them meant I got to spend quality time with them (which doesn't happen often). It was nice to see JH fitting right in. There were times when he woud disappear with the kids or my brothers and come back laughing. I think its safe to say he had a great time. Thanks again parents (and siblings and nieces and hubby) I think this should become a tradition every few years.

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