Mega post
Here we go:
Wednesday: JH and I drove to the cabin, got there late, and enjoyed some rest.
Thursday: Kind of slept in, got up and started crafting.
This is the start of the most awesome idea I have ever had. It all started when I saw this. (more to come on 12/1/2010)
Played speed scrabble.
Apparently Grrr is a word.
Ate a delicious dinner and spent time trying to recork the bottle.
Stole the 3-D glasses so we could look like Ethan from our wedding.
Watched the T. Swft Speical with the fam. I LOVE her new album.
(she announced she is coming to SLC in September 2011!!!)
Friday: got up after 1.5 hours of sleep and Tackled the Black Friday thing. (I didn't get much)
Didn't take a nap.
Saturday: After a chilly, nerve-wracking game...We won!
We were pretty excited. Next up: getting our frist Christmas tree!!!
My favorite part was after the game,
I was rushing back to the car because:
1: I was COLD
2: Joshie was waiting for us.
3: we were going to get our tree!
So maybe I was walking really fast... maybe. Anyway JH grabbed me and tried to slow me down and then said this: " I can't think about the game when I am walking fast, all I can think about is walking."
For some reason this was the funniest thing I had heard all day.
It still makes me laugh.
My dad was excited! Power snow shovel vs. baby snow blower.
our first tree!
JH loves it!
My parent's tree was a little too big for the wrapper.
Such a good husband. My real wreath: a product from my mom's black friday shopping.
After the tree JH needed to film a video for school...
it turned into play time with CJ on the court.
He is really good at basketball. Our Disneyworld ornament. Disneyworld #2
3-D glasses (isn't he cute)
Our cute house, with decoration from my mom and grandma.
(and yes that is Sportscenter on the tv)
I made JH hang our first ornament while I took a picture, he was excited and not acting like a butthead at all. My ornaments (well .000000001 % of them).
I love sparkling snowflakes and my Utah candy canes!
So festive!
I love it!
I can't wait for December 1 when the most awesome idea ever starts!

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