So before I learned about fence hopping it took me a LONG time to walk to work. I used to take the purple trail. One day as I was starting my purple trail journey I watch a kid cut across the frisbee golf course and hop the fence. What a great idea. It cut 15-20 mins off my time. I love it.
I love the red trail!
If you can't tell I am having issues switching to
not technical issues, emotional ones. This has been my home for so long and I don't want to lose any of my 5 readers. I am not keeping this one. I am completely switching over so I don't lose any of my previous posts. It might take me a few more days. I need to build up the courage. If you check back and this site is no longer then I have made the move.

1 comment:

Teri said...

Please keep me on an e-mail feed with your new blog. K? Thanks, Aunt T